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Shiva Stranger: A lesson in showing up


In Rabbi Jonathan Sack’s profound exploration of spirituality (Studies in Spirituality, p. 205-206), he reflects, “It took me two years to recover from the death of my father, of blessed memory. To this day, almost twenty years later, I am not sure why. He did not die suddenly or young. He was well into his eighties. In his last years he had to undergo five operations, each of which sapped...

Navigating the Crisis of War From A Distance


Following the recent horrendous Hamas attack in Israel last week, my initial disbelief was quickly overshadowed by the magnitude of the reports. In the subsequent week, I grappled with a complex mix of emotions, concerns for friends and family, and the responsibility of supporting friends and colleagues through their profound sorrow, anger, and, in some cases, a paralyzing search for a path...

Farewell To My Students


Dear students, Today you had your last final, and unless you are doing a final on the make-up day, this is officially your last day of school. This is always a day filled with joy and excitement for the summer. This is a bittersweet day for me. While I am excited about the future, I am saddened this is my last day with all of you. The last two years that we shared were unique. I came in...

Power of Smiling


As individuals dedicated to the emotional well being of our clients, I am always surprised when I come across a mental health professional who has seemed to have lost the muscle strength to smile. Clearly, smiling is not appropriate all the time. I have learned this the hard way as I have often found myself smiling in situations where my colleagues have had to kick or elbow me under that table...

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